WRPS Tank Farm Progress

test album
May 2, 2018
test album
May 2, 2018

WRPS Tank Farm Progress

A hydraulic hammer is used to drive a hollow rod into the soil beneath and around Hanford’s radioactive waste tanks. Monitors and sensors can then be lowered into the rod to help determine the nature and extent of contamination.
A hydraulic hammer is used to drive a hollow rod into the soil beneath and around Hanford’s radioactive waste tanks. Monitors and sensors can then be lowered into the rod to help determine the nature and extent of contamination.
WRPS is removing above-ground hose-in-hose transfer lines that are no longer in use. The lines, developed for use at Hanford for short-term use, meet all environmental standards and avoid the time and cost of installing expensive infrastructure.
Known as the Rotary Viper, this high-pressure rotating spray system is mounted on a long shaft that can be inserted directly into tank waste to help move the waste to the pump.
Known as the Rotary Viper, this high-pressure rotating spray system is mounted on a long shaft that can be inserted directly into tank waste to help move the waste to the pump.
An Interim Surface Barrier was installed over portions of Hanford’s T Farm to demonstrate its effectiveness in preventing rain and snow melt from driving contaminants toward the water table.
Steel rods are used in a technique known as Surface Geophysical Exploration or SGE. The rods are inserted in a grid pattern and a computerized control system passes electrical current between them, mapping differences in how the soil responds. The technology produces a 3-dimensional image of a waste plume deep in the soil.
Steel rods are used in a technique known as Surface Geophysical Exploration or SGE. The rods are inserted in a grid pattern and a computerized control system passes during between them, mapping differences in how the soil responds. The technology produces a 3-dimensional image of a waste plume deep in the soil.
WRPS engineers developed a new technique that combines a camera image with three-dimensional drafting software to assure the proper alignment of remotely-operated valves. The process has greatly reduced the margin of error and improved operating efficiency.
WRPS engineers developed a new technique that combines a camera image with three-dimensional drafting software to assure the proper alignment of remotely-operated valves. The process has greatly reduced the margin of error and improved operating efficiency.
A variety of monitoring and sampling equipment is used in the field to help protect workers from potentially harmful effects of tank waste vapors.
A variety of monitoring and sampling equipment is used in the field to help protect workers from potentially harmful effects of tank waste vapors.
Tank farm workers routinely take samples of the gases in the headspace of Hanford’s underground tanks. The headspace is the space between the top of the waste and the top of the tank. The sampling effort is part of WRPS’ industrial hygiene program.
Valve pits on top of the waste tanks are used to move waste from one tank to another.
Operators use remote-operated cameras inside the waste tanks to keep track of conditions during waste retrieval.
Workers inside the 242-A Evaporator, a facility that heats the waste under a vacuum to evaporate excess water, are shown removing radioactive contamination from equipment.
“Hot cells” at the 222-S Laboratory allow workers to remotely handle highly radioactive materials. This hot cell has been opened to allow an experiment to be placed inside.
“Hot cells” at the 222-S Laboratory allow workers to remotely handle highly radioactive materials. This hot cell has been opened to allow an experiment to be placed inside.
An operator works inside a 222-S Laboratory hot cell using remote manipulator arms.
The manipulator arms at 222-S Laboratory allow operators to handle small items like this glass sample jar.
Tank farm workers sometimes don air bottles and respirators to protect themselves from chemical vapors.
Above-ground transfer lines move waste from tank to tank.
Industrial hygienists routinely take air samples in the tank farms.
An obsolete exhauster in the SY Tank Farm is being dismantled and removed.
An obsolete exhauster in the SY Tank Farm is being dismantled and removed.
An obsolete exhauster in the SY Tank Farm is being dismantled and removed.
A bulldozer at the Environmental Restoratin Disposal Facility (ERDF) pushes an old mobile office building over the edge and into the pit for burial.