WRPS donates $127,000 to support local STEM education efforts
November 19, 2015WRPS supports area small businesses
December 11, 2015WSUTC hosts WRPS Day
Where does the money go? Three Washington State University Tri-Cities (WSUTC) students answered this question recently at WRPS-WSUTC Day on the Richland campus.
The day consisted of a presentation by WSUTC students benefiting from WRPS grants and a panel discussion about technology, the Hanford Site and how it applies from college to work field. WRPS’ Doug Greenwell, Mike Latteri, Mark Tavelli, and Rob Gregory participated in the discussion.
The WSUTC students are using WRPS grants for projects such as developing a 3D printed prosthetic arm, using bacteria to treat hydrothermal liquefaction, and studying the implications of thyroid levels on skull development of the Zebra fish which has human implications.
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