Conduct of operations (ConOps) is a program that aims to minimize the likelihood and consequences of human or system failures by executing operational and management tasks in a deliberate and structured manner. The WRPS Con Ops Program consists of formal documentation, practices, and actions implementing disciplined and structured operations that support mission success and promote worker, public and environmental protection. The goal is to minimize the likelihood and consequences of human fallibility or technical and organizational system failures.
The Con Ops Program supports the Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) by providing concrete techniques and practices to implement the ISMS Core Functions of “Develop and Implement Hazard Controls” and “Perform Work Within Controls. ”
Although there are 18 traditional ConOps elements, we are focused on four principles at WRPS:
- Personal Accountability
- Technical Inquisitiveness
- Procedure Compliance
- Willingness to Stop
Much more information on WRPS’ ConOps program is available on the intranet at Organizational Performance Improvement > ConOps.