WRPS Env. ManagementAugust 7, 2018WRPS Waste Treatment Plant SupportAugust 7, 2018 WRPS Waste Retrieval August 7, 2018 Categories Tags Tank Operations personnel wearing protective clothing and using respiratory protection remove an inoperative pump from underground radioactive waste tank C-103. The pump was replaced with a more modern pump to be used in the transfer of waste from the aging single-shell tank to a newer and safer double-shell tank. Tank Operations personnel often wear multiple layers of protective clothing and use respiratory protection while performing their work. Here they are preparing to remove waste from one of Hanford’s oldest single-shell radioactive waste storage tanks, C-104 and transfer the waste to a newer and safer double-shell tank. Tank Operations personnel often wear multiple layers of protective clothing and use respiratory protection while performing their work. Here they are preparing to remove waste from one of Hanford’s oldest single-shell radioactive waste storage tanks, C-104 and transfer the waste to a newer and safer double-shell tank. Tank Operations personnel often work in confined spaces, wearing multiple layers of protective clothing and using respiratory protection to safely perform their duties, including installation of a manifold used in the removal of waste from single-shell tank C-110. Related